This reference was helpful because in my painting the vanishing point was also the door in the middle:

You can see from my drawing all the lines meet up to the dot at the bottom of the door. Therefore, that dot is my vanishing point. If we look at the painting from the renascence period it is the same all the lines meet at the top of the door. These two examples create an illusion of depth on the picture plane.
The second technique I would like to discuss is my atmospheric perspective. Since almost a half of my painting was sky I decided that I had enough space to create that technique. I used Piero della Franscesca's painting as my reference, I think he did an excellent job in showing the viewer atmospheric perspective:
Battista Sforza and Feferico da Montefltro
He was an excellent reference and as you can see from my painting I did a decent job to show the atmospheric perspective:
You can see from my painting I built up the blue from almost a white at the bottom to an almost blackish blue at the top, it was a very time consuming job, but if payed off. I think that the atmospheric perspective creates an illusion of depth on the picture plane.
The last technique I would like to talk about are my pillars on either side of the building. I think that the pillars were the building blocks of the painting and without then there would be no true illusion of depth. To assist me in drawing the pillars I used Gebtille Bellini's painting:
Procession of the True Cross
We can see from the painting above the columns on either side were of great help to me, they assisted me in making my own columns:
We can see from both the examples above that they create an example of depth on the picture plane.
I found that the atmospheric perspective was very helpful through my process and I discovered that in atmospheric perspective you have to layer on layer after layer in order to get the true feeling of depth. You also have to do this if you want the colour to blend in nicely for the eye form light to dark or visa verse.
Two skills that I learnt were, how to go in depth for one point perspective and do a whole painting using that technique, this is the first time I did a whole paining like that so it was a learning experience for me. I also learned, how to create columns/pillars in perspective and I used those examples in my work, I learned to start of big, widely spaced apart, and go to small, close together.
I feel that I would like to work on colour mixing because it was a hard for me to get the colour that I wanted, I know colour mixing is a kind of trial and error thing were you put in a little of this and you get this and then you put a little more in and so on. I would like to be familiar with which shades a colour I will get if I put in a fraction of one colour and another fraction of another colour. This would help me in the future with paintings.
I look forward to the final summative